Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Hello, My name's Victor. What's your name?
Introductions are important. Check this.

A. Hi, Luis. How are you?
B. Not bad. How about yourself?
A. I'm fine. Thanks.
    Luis, this is Sarah, our new sales manager.
    Sara, this is Luis, our production manager.
B. It's nice to meet you, Sarah. How are things coming out?
C. It's nice to meet you too, Luis. 
    So far, everything is fine. Thank you.
    I hope we can be good friends.
B. Sure. I hope so, too.
    I've got to run. I'll see you around.
C. Sure. Bye.


Meeting people
People often shake hands when they are introduced.

Introducing yourself.
When meeting someone you don’t know, you can introduce yourself by saying your name and briefly describing who you are.

I’m Lauren Clark. • I’m Bill Touloukian, your new neighbor. • (infml) Hi. I’m Yuri. • You must be Lena. I’m Caitlyn, Gregory’s sister. • (esp. on the telephone) My name’s Anna Petrovich.

Introducing someone else

This is my friend Rachel. Rachel, this is my husband, Luis. • I’d like you to meet Eric Sturton. • (fml) May/Can I introduce you to Grace Chen? • (infml) Do you two know each other? Angela, Terry. (introduces Terry to Angela) Terry, Angela. (introduces Angela to Terry)


Nice/pleased to meet you. • (fml) How do you do? • (infml) Hi/Hello. • How are you? • (fml) (It’s) a pleasure to meet you.

Before saying goodbye, it is polite to say that you are about to leave.

I really should be going. • Well, I’ve got to go now.

You might also thank the other person, especially if you have been a guest.

Thank you for lunch/the coffee. • Thanks a lot. • Thanks for having me. • Thanks for a great time/afternoon.


You’re welcome. • Not at all. • Don’t mention it. • My pleasure.

Saying goodbye

Goodbye • (infml) Bye • Good night • So long • See you next week/tomorrow/soon. • See you • (infml) See you around. • (infml) Take care • (esp. to someone you don’t know, as in a store) Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Very well explained and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing!!
